For the one hundredth year in a row, tens of thousands of people will gather in downtown El Paso to enjoy the celebration of lights. Unfortunately, for the third year in a row, the event will not be held at the historic San Jacinto Plaza — as it should be.
Instead it will be at Cleveland Square, a park located about a quarter of a mile from San Jacinto and about half the size when you add in all the Holiday decorations.
So what’s the hold up?
A freaking cable and an incompetent contractor. According to city records, San Jacinto Plaza has been under renovation since 2012. The park was supposed to be done by November of 2014, in time for the Holiday season. However, months of unexplained delays and new project end dates went by. Eventually the city stopped announcing when the project would be completed, leaving many wondering whether the park would be ready in time for the historic 100 year celebration of lights.
Today, the city learned, via a press release, that the event will be hosted at Cleveland Square, again.
“This is the third year with the event at Cleveland Square Park and although traditionally held at San Jacinto Plaza, over the course of history the municipal celebration of the holidays has been held in the downtown area in various locations since 1915 marking this as the 100 year celebration,” said Tracy Novak, director of the City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department.
Last year, more than 67,000 people attended the celebration. What do you think about the hold up? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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